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How to repair a cracked glass cooktop

How to repair a cracked glass cooktop

Modern kitchens are equipped with glass cooktops. Their appearance is stylish, solid, emphasizing the good taste of the hostess and a serious approach to cooking. Glass-ceramic cooktops require careful care, as the material heats up within 3-15 seconds. Improper use of the technique leads to damage of the glass, after which it is difficult to use the appliance. If the glass surface in the cooktop is cracked, it is recommended to contact Charlotte professionals and have the cooktop repaired.

How to repair a damaged glass cooktop

Glass-ceramic products have unique characteristics. They are made by melting and tempering glass to which various metals are added. This feature affects the heat resistance of the resulting material and its specific thermal conductivity.

Heat is distributed vertically across the glass surface: from the heating element to the bottom of the pot. This ensures intensive heating and fast cooking.

The glass may crack if the cooktop is close to the wall. Proper use of the appliance will prevent glass ceramic defects.

Glass damage is caused by the following:

  • Use of a cleaning agent that is not suitable for the surface;
  • The panel has not been installed in accordance with the installation technique;
  • Sudden changes in temperature.

The service center will repair the appliance if the customer finds a crack in the panel, a chip on the end, wear of the burner lock, a defect in the rotating mechanism, overheating of the glass during cooking and other malfunctions. If a break or crack is detected, it is necessary to ask for the help of specialists.

If the question is how to repair a glass cooktop, you need to contact a specialist. He will diagnose the cooktop and, if necessary, replace the glass ceramic. The process of glass cooktop replacement is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The glass surface is disassembled by removing the screw mounting.
  2. Remove the gasket.
  3. The vitrified clay is pressed into the grooves and removed from the holes.
  4. Replace the damaged gasket with a new one.
  5. Remove the gasket from the glass.
  6. The new gasket is installed and secured with bolts.
  7. The new glass ceramic surface is installed and secured with screws.

The technician checks the tightness of the connection and connects the cable to the power supply. All the work is done neatly and quickly so that the customer can use the appliance after a short time.

How to repair scratches on glass cooktop

If you don’t know how to repair a scratched glass cooktop, contact a professional. Experts offer recommendations on how to repair a scratched glass cooktop using improvised means. To remove the scratch, you will need a polish for glass ceramic surfaces. Before using chemicals, the glass must be cleaned of impurities. Remaining particles should be removed with a clean, damp napkin. Polish the surface with a lint-free, soft microfiber cloth in circular motions.

If you need a cooktop repair near me, contact the appliance repair service center. Simply call the phone number provided and a technician will visit you as soon as possible.